Discover Lyon by bike

Published on 30 April 2024

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With more than 38 million bike journeys recorded in 2021, cycling has established itself as a major means of transport in Lyon.

Lyon promotes soft mobility


The Lyon metropolitan area is constantly improving its facilities in favour of greener mobility, and the city has an active policy of developing "green and blue infrastructures" (French "trames vertes et bleues" scheme, i.e. areas combining green spaces and wetlands/water  courses), pedestrian walkways and cycle paths.


Lyon has more than 540km of cycle paths and 4,000 Vélo'v (self-service) bikes available 24 hours a day, spread across 428 bike stations in 22 municipalities!


For those interested in a more "sporty" type of tourism, the 815km of the "ViaRhôna" – a cycle path that runs along the Rhône River from the Mediterranean to Geneva, via Lyon and Miribel – is easily accessible.


Lyon's soft mobility solutions also include the "vaporetto" boat shuttle and the Bateaux lyonnais, which let you discover the city from a different perspective.


Getting around and parking

The city has recently added 39km of new cycle paths and 6,200 bike parking spaces.  1,000 hoop cycle stands are installed every year in the Lyon conurbation.


Download a map of cycle paths from the Greater Lyon Metropolitan Area website.


Creation of the Voies Lyonnaises (Lyon cycle lanes) 

The Voies Lyonnaises is a network of wide, secure cycle lanes, scheduled to be opened around the city by 2026.


The aim of this network is to encourage cycling in the city, while making safety the key priority.
Just like a public transport network, the 12 "lines" (scheduled for 2026) will link the municipalities on the outskirts of the metropolitan area to the heart of the conurbation, and create direct links between the towns in the inner suburbs.


The Voies Lyonnaises will enable two-wheelers to travel as freely and safely as possible thanks to:

  • Cycle paths that are separated from the roads and pavements, and wide enough to enable bikes to pass each other easily,
  • Continuous routes, with as few obstacles as possible, serving the destinations most frequented by local inhabitants,
  • Appropriate surfaces: asphalt, concrete, tarmac,
  • Facilities installed along the routes: tyre-inflator stations, water fountains, high kerbs that act as footrests at intersections, etc. 


Safety is the number one priority for cyclists, whether they are travelling for work or for pleasure. 


To find out more about "Destination Lyon": please click here




Getting to the four GL events venues in Lyon by bike


The four venues in Lyon are all extremely well served by public transport: bus, metro, tramway, etc. What's more, visitors can also get to the venues using soft mobility. Several Vélo'v (self-service bike) stations and bike parking facilities are available to visitors.  


  • Eurexpo Lyon: a cycle path goes from the Part Dieu train station to the venue, which has a bike parking area
  • The Lyon Convention Centre: there are at least 5 Vélo'v (self-service bike) stations close to the venue
  • La Sucrière and Matmut Stadium : visitors and customers have three 3 Vélo'v (self-service bike) stations at their disposal near the venues

To find out more about the 4 venues, please click here


Vélo'v: self-service bikes in Lyon and Villeurbanne

Vélo'v was set up in Lyon in 2005. With over 84,000 subscribers in 2022,  the use of this service keeps growing every year. The Vélo'v network offers: 4,000 Vélo'v bikes available 24 hours a day spread across 428 bike stations in 22 municipalities.

Click here for a map of all the Vélo'v stations


Business tourism and bikes

The various players involved in the business tourism sector all work together to make it as easy as possible for their customers and visitors to get to the city's event venues in a more sustainable and responsible way. And, if you are staying in the city for an extended period, what better way to get around than by bike?


More than 428 Vélo'v (self-service bike) stations are at your disposal, especially around hotels, so you can get around quickly and easily, while being a responsible business tourist.


What's more, some of the city's hotels – notably the Crowne Plaza in the Cité Internationale – provide a bike-hire service, including electric bikes.


Outside Lyon's main train stations – the Part Dieu and Perrache stations –  you will also find shops that provide bike-hire services, so that you can easily get to the venues in which your congresses, conventions or seminars are being held.


In the case of company seminars and conventions , employees can use the city's cycle paths and get to GL events' venues in Lyon by bike.