Pompeii. Cité Immortelle

Cultural events and shows

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Date de début
Tuesday to Sunday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. | Weekends, Zone A school vacations and public holidays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Nom du contact
Florence Boyer
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The exceptional exhibition "Pompeii. The Immortal City" is coming to Lyon, immersing you in the heart of the tragedy and ruins of the ancient city. 

Spectacular immersive moments bring the destruction of the city to life and allow visitors to connect with the inhabitants of the time, frozen in the ashes of Vesuvius. 

You can closely admire authentic objects to gain a deeper understanding of this tragedy. Every modern museology technique has been utilized to revive the ancient city destroyed in 79 AD.



Emotional moments: the city's destruction; the discovery of inhabitants frozen in the ashes

 - Over 100 authentic objects from archaeological excavations

 - Spectacular reconstructions of machines

 - A reproduction of a thermopolium (an ancient fast-food establishment) and an atrium, as if you were in Pompeii before the catastrophe 

- The story of a family accompanies visitors throughout the exhibition

 - 3D views of the city as it was at the moment of its destruction

 - Interactive games that reveal the surprises of the excavations to children.

An exhibition curated by Giovanni Di Pasquale (deputy scientific director, Museo Galileo, Florence), with the collaboration of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.

 Developed and produced by Tempora in partnership with Musée de l'Europe and  Civita.