Internal rules concerning facilities that are open to the public - La Sucrière

Access to shows/exhibitions: 

All members of the public, whatever their age, must be in possession of a fully-paid ticket, an invitation or a document giving them the right to access the premises. Tickets can be reserved or bought at the ticket office on site.

Any person who leaves the exhibition shall not be allowed to go back in.



The management reserves the right to refuse access to minors under 13 years of age, who are not accompanied by an adult.


Access for Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM) and Disabled Persons:

Disabled persons or persons with reduced mobility (PRM) are given priority in the queue and enter the exhibition space first.



If the venue management or the event organiser deems it necessary to set up a security check at the entrance to the premises (i.e. the visual inspection/search of hand luggage and/or a pat-down search conducted by specialised personnel), all the members of the public/visitors must accept to be searched. Any person who refuses to be searched shall be denied access to the premises, without any entitlement to a reimbursement.

If an individual is found to be in possession of an unauthorised item and refuses to hand over the latter, he/she shall not be allowed to enter the venue and shall duly lose any right to a reimbursement.

Equally, any member of the public/visitor who does not comply with these internal rules or who disrupts public order may be refused entry to the venue, or expelled from it, and shall duly lose any right to a ticket reimbursement.


It is notably forbidden for any member of the public/visitor to:

  • introduce a source of fire into the premises, in any form whatsoever,
  • stand stationary in passageways, stairways, access points, entrances and exits,
  • use the emergency exits, except in the event the premises must be evacuated,
  • block or obstruct the emergency exits,
  • behave in a way (whether alone or in a group) that is likely to cause injury or disturbance to others or damage to property,
  • conduct opinion polls, engage in religious or political acts, carry out collections or enrolments, or collect signatures,
  • distribute any objects or documents (including leaflets, flyers or advertisements), unless specifically accredited to do so by the venue management or event organiser,
  • contravene the prohibitions/restrictions displayed in the venue,
  • throw paper or rubbish on the ground, notably chewing gum,
  • deface or affix graffiti, posters, marks or dirt inside the venue or in its outside areas, or carry out any act that could result in the degradation of the venue,
  • deliberately damage, deteriorate or destroy property or equipment of any kind, notably permanent or temporary fixtures/fittings installed on the premises or set up by the event organiser.

Any person who deliberately damages, deteriorates or destroys any property or equipment, or who threatens the safety of people shall be immediately handed over to the police.


Prohibited items: 

Any documents, leaflets, badges, insignia, symbols or banners (of any type or size) of a racist or xenophobic nature are strictly prohibited.

Any objects that could be used as a projectile or weapon or endanger the safety of the public are strictly prohibited on the premises, and notably: pyrotechnic items, knives and sharp objects.

Items that are forbidden from being carried or held in public spaces (notably weapons, narcotics, etc.) may not be deposited in the lockers on site. If such items are discovered, the person in possession of those items shall be reported to the police.


Baggage room/lockers: 

The venue does not have a cloakroom/baggage room. Coats and bulky items can be deposited in the lockers that are available in the exhibition area.
People who leave items in a locker must collect their belongings when they leave the venue.
Boxes are made available for groups, in which people can leave their coats and bags.


No-smoking policy:

La Sucrière has a strict no-smoking policy (tobacco and electronic cigarettes).
In accordance with the French Evin Act of 10 January 1991, smoking is strictly forbidden in the premises, except in the specifically designated areas.

The use of narcotics/drugs is also strictly prohibited.


Food and Drink: 

It is strictly forbidden to bring cans and bottles into the exhibitions.



Animals are not allowed in the exhibition room, except for guide dogs.



Any claims should be addressed to La Sucrière, 49-50 quai Rambaud 69002 Lyon, France.

La Sucrière cannot be held responsible if an event is postponed or cancelled (claims concerning reimbursements are to be sent directly to the vendor of the admission tickets), nor for the content of any given event or for a change in the programme of an event. Moreover, La Sucrière cannot be held responsible if an alarm goes off during an event or if the members of public need to be evacuated to safety due to a major incident/accident.