Salon du Randonneur


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Logo salon du randonneur
Entité lieu liée
Date de début
21st of March 2025: from 10am to 7pm | 22nd & 23rd of March 2025 : from 10am to 6pm
5€ on-site / 4€ online / Free for accompanied children under 12 years old
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From hiking close to home to trekking at the End of the World, from healthy hiking accessible to all to trail, for the sportiest, from micro-adventures lasting a few days, to roaming of several weeks, your future hike can be discovered at the “Salon du Randonneur”. 

Whether you want to hike on one's own or with family, among friends, or with a group, between adults or with children, you will find all the answers to your questions and the best advice from our exhibitors present at the show (destinations here and elsewhere, essential equipment, mobile applications, specialized travel agencies, accommodation, etc.) and through the numerous conferences and activities (workshops, hikes across Lyon, …) offered during the 3 days of the show.

Show organized by Expocinq – GL events